Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Scarf Thingy!

So I'm not the most talented crocheter but I try! I have a friend with a really cool scarf wrap around thing (there has got to be a cooler name for it) and I decided I wanted one. Well of course that means I would figure out how to make one. I've been knitting one for like 2 weeks and it's not done yet, so I crocheted one! It took about and hour and half. I pretty much love it. :)
p.s. don't judge my emo pose.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

So I heard that there would be something like "bean soup" at dinner club this weekend, so I immediately offered to cook. I could decide on one thing so I made my favorite. Tapas! (fancy word for appetizers)

The best thing I heard was was "wow, allison, i wasn't sure about (insert food item) at first but it's so good!"
Dessert was just a mixture of some left over sweets. and I stole some of Susannahs chocolate covered mice. :)
Food is my favorite form of art!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Cupcake CrayCray

My FAVORITE! the cutest snowman in the whole world. The marshmallows are a little stale but it helps hold better. And no one eats the garnish anyways! I think I will call him Jack.
This is probably the most delicious cupcake in the whole world. Caramel filled vanilla cupcake with cream cheese icing and coconut with a hand dipped chocolate covered cherry on top!
So i tried my best at making a snowflake. BUT I have shakey hands! I thought the pearls would make it look classier...but it still looks cray cray! :)
Vanilla cupcake with Chocolate frosting inside and out! Susannahs favorite flavor....awww..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I like to call these my Christmas shoes. I searched till I finally found them at...walmart. :) creative huh?