Saturday, August 25, 2012

T-Shirt Quilt/Blanket

This is how it started. a pile of 20 of my favorite t-shirts that i never wear but am emotionally connected to :)
Lets follow my Rocketboys t-shirt all the way through.

I made a template out of a cardboard box and cut them all from that.

cut out fusable interfacing (had to guess on the yard amount and was only 1 yard off!)

Ironed the interfacing on.
 (my mother suggested flipping it over and ironing directly on the interfacing,
not on the t-shirt, so as to not mess up any designs on the shirt. she's a smart lady)

Lined all the pieces up to see where the colors would look best and of course, where the Justin Bieber shirt should be placed. :)

Sewed all the pieces together! Then sewed the backing on.
 (i like this b/c it requires sewing only straight lines:)
I had a quilt i already loved that I used as the inside of this one.
 Basically this was just a duvet cover that i sewed up!

I added a few buttons in the corners of each square b/c, well... BUTTONS!
 and to help keep the blanket together
TA-DA! it's officially my favorite.