Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Newspaper Canvas Art

Here's the deal, when I travel I don't normally like to buy the cliche' souvenirs, I like to find things that are more personal. Over the past few years I have been all over the world. When I was in Europe specifically, I fell in love with newspapers. There is something old and romantic about reading a newspaper, and I loved seeing ones in different languages and styles. I started collecting them as my own personal souvenir. I wasn't sure exactly what I would do with them, but they made it through 2 moves so I knew I should eventually do something with them. Then Hobby Lobby had a sale on canvas and I knew exactly what would happen to these papers! Here it is:

Started as any craft usually starts, with good ole ModPodge and cheap paint brushes!

This is my paper from France. Hope it doesn't say anything bad haha:)
I looked through them all finding the parts that had the best color and picture, I wanted it to be pretty!
The modpodge tried to tear the paper up a few times, I probably could have done it better, but I'm not a perfectionist and I wanted it to have character.
I did about 3 coats of the podge.

Here is the final product! Paris, Ireland, and Israel.

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