Friday, January 21, 2011

Jesus, Hummus, Galilee, and sweet Jewish shop owners.

Where to begin? I just got home from an incredible trip to Israel. I didn't have the desire to go until about 3 months ago, then God opened the door for me go and I jumped right through! I am still trying to process all that I saw and all that I did.

I went there to find Jesus more tangible, but what I found was a HUGE God who is bigger than I expected and better than I ever thought imaginable.

From the moment we flew into Tel Aviv we hit the ground running. Onto the bus and onto touring! I'm just going to highlight a few things that meant a lot to me.
The moment I saw the Sea of Galilee I was completely in awe. First of all it was smaller than I expected. My heart was trying to comprehend that JESUS. MY JESUS sailed on THAT sea. THAT sea. I am still in awe.
The first full day we were there we went to the Valley of the Doves which was a pathway between Nazareth and Galilee that Jesus walked many times with His disciples. We weren't aloud to walk the path but the moment I saw it, my heart jumped. How was I supposed to feel? It was so surreal.

Another thing that stood out to me was the Jordan River. Pastor Craig(of the the group I was with) baptized me, and a few of my new friends. The water was FREEZING. But it was very sentimental for me.

Another defining moment for me was at the Western/Wailing Wall. To see all those people fervently praying for the coming of the Messiah. Yet they have rejected He who already came.

Our tour guide, Munzer, told us that there are only two places we were going (amongst the million things we did) that he was POSITIVE Jesus was at.
One was the teaching steps. It was crazy! Right in front of the Beautiful Gate. You could only see half of it because the Muslims covered up the other half. It was incredible to be there. I wish we could have spent longer just soaking it in.

We went to a place called the Nazareth Village which was a replica of what an original village would be like. We were worried that it would be super cheesy but it ended up being one of our favorite places! An amazing tour guide named Roni made the experience so surreal, while we were in a small temple, he prayed for us. Wheww girl I felt the Spirit in that room!

Another place they were sure Jesus was at was the dungeon in Caiaphas' house where they kept Jesus overnight before He was crucified. I could barely think straight. It was dark, it was deep, with just a small hole at the top where they lowered him down. Our group gathered there and read psalms 88. There were crosses on the walls that were made by the rock. not by any human hand. Oh what a great God we know that would put Himself in that position just for His children.

Every night I ate hummus. Hummus and veggies and pita bread. Everyday for lunch (except once when we ate pizza on the Via Dolorosa) I ate a filafal. I adore filafals!

Before I left for this trip, a wonderful friend of mine told me that God was going to guide my steps. I clung onto that the whole time and boy howdy was she right! I felt his guidance every moment of that trip which was something I had not experienced before.
One afternoon, Jo, Becky, Roseanne, Cy and I went wondering around Jerusalem looking for the place that Jo used to live. And we found it! about a block away from our hotel! It was a student center when Jo lived there but now it is a house of prayer. I never wanted to leave. It was incredible. They had a room upstairs that was specific for prayer. I wish I could explain to you what it was like! I wish you could have been there with me to experience it.

The theme in my heart during the trip was that God was showing me that I humanize Him too much. That I don't see Him for who He is, but what I think and expect Him to be. I saw more of His power and Glory in the way He became human and the way He was God. The Bible has come incredibly alive to me. Everything now has a picture in my head, and everything connects better.

The last afternoon we were there we got to go out on our own, so we walked through the old city of Jerusalem and shopped a little and soaked in the culture. A sweet Jewish shop owner gave me a free bracelet! I was pleasantly surprised that the Israelis have a very good sense of humor that I can understand:)

I am SO blessed that I went with the group I went with. I was amazed at their genuineness, and kindness. I'm going to miss the nightly Nertz/wine events( in which I would be ready for bed by 9:00 ;)
Here are a few of my favorite things that i collected. the oil lamp we got in Nazareth. the mug i got in a shop in jerusalem. the bracelet is the one the sweet shop owner gave me.

Travel is another one of my favorite forms of art. Shalom.


  1. This is so encouraging. I am glad that your trip was even more than you expected it to be. I can't wait to hear more.

  2. Oh, How exciting! I'm so happy for you. I tell people all the time that there's nothing like being there to make the scripture come alive!
    Btw, next stop Turkey?

  3. oh, I love you, Allison! I also crave something tangible that makes my faith seem MORE real and alive. You've made me want to go now!

  4. What a beautiful summation , Allison! I'm thankful for you and that I got to go along with you on this trip! God is a Mighty God...we can't even get a grip on just how Mighty He is...I hope to make another trip one day!

  5. I LOVE THIS! And I LOVE that bracelet!
